Yeah, it's been a year since I started writing the newsletters. I hope I get to continue doing the newsletters. I enjoy doing them. It has been a way for me to keep in touch with people and share my creativity.
With the beginning of the new year, I hope everyone gets to start out with wonderful surprises. Whatever was on your wish list may it come true this year!
I haven't tried this out, but in theory it may work. Wrapping paper rolls can be recycled into temporary plant containers.
The paper roll can be a shield to protect the plants from insects while it germinates. When it's ready to outgrow the paper roll, the roots will just tear through the paper. Sounds like it may work, let me know if it does. :D
James scratches his head. All the bills he paid in January got billed to him again with a late charge.
PETER (tells Ashley): I paid these vendors already. Look, I even have records of it in my checkbook.
ASHLEY (grabs his checkbook): You sure paid them alright, but in January 2007.
Ocean Star :)
(Monterey Park, CA)
The Cheesecake Factory :)
(Rancho Cucamonga, CA)
Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner Restaurant :D
(Anaheim, CA)
low :P :( :| :) :D high
Contact me if you have the information that I'm seeking. Thanks.
Start out the new year with a calendar. As the months go by, jot down important information or events. So, when next year rolls around, you don't need to struggle remembering those things. You got your calendar to remind you.
Use a binder to collect your information each month. Use sheet protectors to hold loose items. Jot down notes of things to keep or to change for next year. At the end of the month, update your digital calendar to have your information ready for print for next year.