+ APR07

me and my man behind me...lol


The oranges were paired side by side, but I took the picture in an angle to have one in the background. The thought I had in mind was..."Behind every great man woman, there's a great woman man." Yup, you read it right...let me repeat...the man is BEHIND. :D But, seriously, I think that it should be rephrased..."Behind every great person, there is a great supporter." It shouldn't be gender specific. So, what does this have to do with the theme of April? Nothing...just wanted to agitate some male ego's.


Make gift wrapping part of your thoughtful gift. Use your ordinary office stamps on wrapping paper, but use the reverse side of it. Use the white part and stamp away.

And, yes that came out of my brain.


It's Saturday. ASHLEY has plans for JAMES and PETER to do chores for the entire day, but both of them rather go to the Fair.

ASHLEY: (JAMES and 8-year-old PETER drag their feet to the kitchen.) Don't you guys give me that look. You both promised to do chores for the day. And, James you should be setting an example for little Peter. You should do what you promised.

PETER: But, mom...

ASHLEY: No butt's.

PETER: How about if I finish my chores early?

ASHLEY: We'll see.

PETER: But, mooommmm.

ASHLEY: What did I just say?

PETER looks at JAMES, and JAMES gives him a shrug. PETER sees the jar of pennies.

PETER: Mom, what if I roll the coins for you like you showed me yesterday? If I finish early, then can we go to the fair? Please...please...please...please. Mega...mega...please.

ASHLEY: (Rolling coins was not his chore for the day, but she's excited to see that he picked up the new skill. It took PETER 5 minutes to count for one roll, and there is at least $30 dollars worth of pennies. It'll take him the whole day to finish. ) Sure...

PETER: You promise? You promise we can go if I finish early.

ASHLEY: Hmmm...IF you finish EARLY.

PETER: Yeah!!

PETER starts counting each coin. ASHLEY drags JAMES to trim some branches.

An hour passes, and PETER runs to get JAMES and ASHLEY.

PETER: Mom, let's go.

ASHLEY: What do you mean?

PETER: I finished rolling the pennies!!

ASHLEY: What!?!?!

PETER: Mom, you promised we can go to the fair if I finish early.

ASHLEY goes to the kitchen table and sees that all the pennies are rolled.

JAMES: (Smirks.) Yes, dear...you promised, and you must keep your promises to set an example for little Peter.

PETER: (Grabs the car keys for JAMES.) Let's go dad!

ASHLEY is baffled while JAMES and PETER make their escape to the car. ASHLEY then joins them as she figures out what happened. It was all a scheme.

ASHLEY: Did you teach Peter how to stack the coins repeatedly rather than counting each one?

JAMES: (Shrugs.) Dear, our boy is just smart. He takes after his MOTHER. (JAMES and PETER gives each other a high five. ASHLEY's jaw drops.)

to be continued...



Sweet Lady Jane :D
(Los Angeles, CA)

Michel Richards :)
(Los Angeles, CA)

Borders Cafe :)
(Montclair, CA)


Starbucks :|


Ichima :(
(Pasadena, CA)

Osho Sushi :|
(Monterey Park, CA)


Nodame Cantabile Live Action :D
(Comedy, 8 episodes)


high :D :) :| :( :P low



Contact me if you have the information that I'm seeking. Thanks.





Recently, I bought a Swingline Tot Slim Stapler to replace the mini stapler I lost. This stapler is collapsible. Even though I need to adjust it each time to staple, it works just fine.


Back in FEB07 newsletter, I mentioned about Sigalert.com to get live traffic reports before heading out to drive. However, the site provides information on limited cities in California and Arizona.

Google Maps actually offers something similar, but provides over 30 major US metropolitan areas. Once you go to Google Maps, you will need to click on the "Traffic" icon on the upper right hand corner of the map to view. Unfortunately, I don't see a legend for the colors. So, below details them:

I was first introduced to Google's traffic report with the use of the mobile. I was searching a similar version of it online through Google, and now, it's being offered through Google Maps. To use the mobile version, click here and see the requirements.