


If you're stuck on an island, would you choose to have apples or oranges as your only source of food?

Okay...let's see here. Let's look at the Pro's and Con's of each.

Pro: No peeling required, just need to wash it first; My teeth would be in good condition
Con: Requires more energy to chew; Sometimes too sweet

Pro: Can cure thirst really quick; Won't get sick as easily with loads of Vitamin C; Can use the peel as cups
Con: Got to peel first, too lazy; Got to spit out the seeds, too lazy

Hmmm...I say oranges because it has better utility!! Not only can it be a source of food, but it also can be used for other things. I can use the peel to make cups, spoons, and other tools. With oranges, I can prevent myself from getting sick and keep myself healthy while I wait for my rescue.

How long can you stare at a fish?
Until my eyes blink.

What's worse? A husband who says "YES" to you all the time, or a husband who says "NO" to you all the time?
Hmmm...l would say a husband who says "YES" to me all the time is worse.

Kitty: Am I fat?
Husband: Yes.

Kitty: Is she better looking than me?
Husband: Yes.

Kitty: Are you going to expect me to cook?
Husband: Yes.

Let's see how it goes with the other scenario.

Kitty: Am I fat?
Husband: No.

Kitty: Is she better looking than me?
Husband: No.

Kitty: Are you going to expect me to cook?
Husband: No.

Actually it doesn't matter, what matter is how I phrased the question from the start. LOL.


What do you do if you need to walk a mile between Point A and Point B?
First, I have to figure out where is Point A and Point B. Then, I'll ask myself, "Do I really need to walk one mile?" If from Point A to Point B is a straight line, then I have no choice but to walk the mile. If from Point A to Point B has a hypotenuse, then I'll just walk along the hypotenuse and avoid any obstacles along the way. If from Point A to Point B is almost circle, well...I just go in reverse and take the shorter route.

Are you a picky eater?
Yes, if I have a preference to choose. Typical answer:

What do you do when you go to a bookstore?
Check out the awesome guys buys available.


What would capture your attention the most: cute guy, high tech product, dozen roses, gourmet dessert, dancing, romantic music?
Hmmm...the highest probability would be the gourmet dessert. I love food. A well decorated dessert can capture my attention and curiosity.

What do you do when you see a mosquito?
Stare at it for 2 seconds and contemplate if I should get up to kill it. Calculate in my head my chances for success: 10%. Not worth my effort. Then, time to call for backup and have someone kill it for me.

If you are given a penny, what would you do with it?
First, I would look at the date of the penny. If the penny is twice as old as me, I would keep it. If it is not that old, then I would want to put it on the railroad track to have it flattened. I would be curious to see what material is used in making the penny for that year. But, honestly, I would just put the penny in my purse.