+ JUN07

happy father's day


Yup, no singing this month, but I did get a chance to create a graphic image for Father's Day. It's layout is in the form of a ticket. Hope fathers get to spend their day with their families. Enjoy the outdoors and have fun! Or, spend it indoors, watching a game, show, etc. But, I know dad's favorite is watching a ballet or an opera show. Yes, it's the best. I hear you dads. LOL.


Have you wanted to just dump change, but there is no where to put it? Or, you have a convenient spot, but it just looks too ugly to have a coin jar laying around? Well, here is a solution:

1) Get:

2) Put the smaller vase inside the larger vase.

3) Pour the pebbles between the gap. Make it look pretty and stuff. If you really want to be creative, you can create layers of colors.

4) Place your vase where it is convenient and drop your change into the smaller vase.

Now, you got an pretty looking art piece that also functions as a coin vase!! :D


The whole family is out at the lake for a camping weekend. Peter and James are out fishing while Ashley is setting up the tent.

PETER: Dad, why are we here?

JAMES: What do you mean?

PETER: This is boring. It's been an hour, and we haven't caught anything. And, we're burning out here in the sun.

JAMES (Enthusiastically.): Fishing is fun! You just got to be patient. Sooner or later, we'll be catching a fish for dinner.

PETER (Not listening to his dad and sees that his mom is not even putting up the tent.): Mom's just chilling out on the shoreline.

JAMES (Concentrating on his fishing line.): Your mom wouldn't do such a thing. (Peter grabs James's face towards the direction of the shoreline. James sees Ashley.) Oh...Maybe she's just taking a break.

PETER: I think she's the smart one. She got herself out of this by saying she'll set everything up. I should have volunteered. (Gives a blank stare out into the sky with boredom.)

JAMES (Faces Peter.): Don't say that. When I was young (Peter knows what he's dad is getting at), my dad and I went fishing...

PETER (Disrupts his dad's long history speech.): The fishing line is moving.

JAMES (Gets distracted.): No, it didn't.

PETER: Oh, well. You just missed your catch. Focus on your line again, dad, before you miss another. (Falls back into his blank stare.)

JAMES: Like I was saying...back when I was young...

PETER: Dad, concentrate. You might loose your chance again.

JAMES: No, I can handle a conversation and fishing. (Gives a proud smile.)

PETER: Dad, how can one succeed by being half-hearted with his task?

JAMES (Thinks for a second. His son makes a point. He can't think of an answer to rebut it.): Ok, I'll concentrate. (While Peter goes back into his blank stare, he decides to put his brain to work.)

James toss his and Peter's lines again with better bait into the water. Thirty minutes pass by and Peter's line caught a fish.

PETER: Dad, what do I do?

JAMES: Here, I'll take care of it since it's sooo boring. (Starts to take the line from Peter.)

PETER (Quietly): No...I want to fish. (James laughs, but helps him with it. Peter gets a kick out of the process of fighting with the fish and getting it.)

JAMES: So, another take at it. Or, back to the shoreline.

PETER: Fish. (James smirks.)



Ajisen Ramen :)
(San Gabriel, CA)

Tony Roma's :|
(Claremont, CA)

Baker's Square :|
(Claremont, CA)


Gelato Paradiso :)
(Laguna Beach, CA)

Yo Yo Bakery :|
(San Gabriel, CA)

Coco's Bakery Restaurant :)


Chalk Festival :)
(Mission Viejo, CA)

I'm not sure if I can do what these people do. Drawing in itself is a very time-consuming process. And, to wash away the drawings after 2 days. It just hurts,...painful. If I had to do it, I'm going to use my camera to take all kinds of pictures to keep it in memory. As for as the quality of these drawings, they were so-so since most of them were done by amateurs. So, don't expect anything that would be like the ones seen in Paris. But, it's great to see that the adults and kids were working together to draw a piece.


high :D :) :| :( :P low



Contact me if you have the information that I'm seeking. Thanks.





Man...I had fun with this one. I didn't realize I enjoyed killing plants...weeds that is. I'm a natural I guess...lol. Well, don't bother pulling weeds. It takes too much time. I did some research and vinegar is your best friend when it comes to killing weeds. It's organic, and it works. The acid from the vinegar kills the leaves and photosynthesis can't occur to keep the weeds alive.

There are a lot of articles proving this. But, to show some credibility, here is a short blurb from HGTV: Vinegar-Based Weed Killer. It will take a couple of days for the weeds to die. I thought it was going to be instant. I was so disappointed, but they eventually die. I say maybe less than a week's time.


This is a Chinese phrase for a message of encouragement. Translated verbatim, it says, "When a boat reaches the bridgehead, it naturally straightens itself out." Imagine the boat is sitting on a vast body of water and a landmark has not be spotted yet. Once a landmark is spotted, a recalculation of the coordinates can be done to steer the boat into the direction needed. Basically, it means that once you get to a certain point, then you'll know what's your next move is going to be. No need to worry in the meantime.

But, the requirement to this phrase is that you got to do your part as well. Once you reach your destination, your reward isn't going to be just handed to you. You got to do your part in making the preparations.

In English, it would be similar to, "Things will work out," "Don't worry about the things you can't control," and "There will be light at the end of the tunnel."

If you know that you'll get to a certain destination, it is just matter of time. There will be bumps along the way and lack of information to predict the next move. But, sometimes, just wait for the moment to arrive and then base on that situation to make the next move. You can only control what you can control. The rest is beyond your control and let it run its course. When it's within your control again, make your move.

To give a simple illustration, I'll mention my mint plant. The poor thing was dying when I first got it. I don't garden so I had no idea what I was doing. It was nice and lovely when it was first given to me. Within the first three hours, it almost died because I had left in the shade but then the sun got to it. It didn't get enough shade.

Then, it was wilting badly, so I pruned all the dead and the half-dying leaves to let the nutrients reach to the surviving leaves. It was not working even though I watered it everyday. So, I cut a portion of it to experiment. I just put that portion in pure water without soil. I also cut the root in half to have it absorb the water more easily (a tip I got from a book). I left it alone for a day or two. I had intended for the plant to die because it's been a couple of days of wilting.

But, the experiment worked. The tip of the plant started to sprout new leaves. So, the problem was that the plant wasn't receiving enough water even though I watered it everyday. So, I quickly watered the original plant with a lot of water and did that everyday thereafter. Now, the plant is greener than before and sprouting at a rapid rate.